2024 iCan Bike check-in desk volunteers

The Kennewick iCan Bike Camp is being sponsored again this Summer by the

Kiwanis Club of the Horse Heaven Hills. iCan Bike is a national organization and a part of iCan Shine. We use equipment and lead trainers from iCan Bike. We need plenty of helpers to follow alongside riders for encouragement, stability and safety. 

We also need volunteers to work at the check in desk each day for each shift.

​See schedule below.

Opens in a new window

Kiwanis Club of the

Horse Heaven Hills

Watch a 2 min video from our 2018 program.

Loads in a new window. This may take a few moments to download.

Volunteers needed:

2024   iCan Bike Camp

at Southridge Sports Complex, Kennewick

​Numerica Pavillion

July 29 through August 2, 2024

8:15-9:309:50-11:05 / 11:25-12:40

